Saturday, May 10, 2014

Upcoming events

Today, we have four  important items for you, our fellow democrats to read...

Canaan Meeting House
1169 US Route 4 – Canaan NH
SATURDAY, MAY 17, 2014
10:00 AM -12 noon

1.     Welcome and introduction of guests – Martha Richards

2.     Assessing where we are – Planning for 2014 Liz Kurig
a.     Update from Hassan Campaign
b.     Update from Shaheen Campaign
c.      Update from NH Senate caucus
d.     Update from Committee to Elect House Democrats (CHED)

3.     Winning in November 2014
a.     Candidate Recruitment – who’s running, who’s not, who’s interested – Liz Kulig
b.     Communication and Messaging – Lucas Myer
c.      Fundraising –
                                                             i.      Local - Bedrock Democrats – Carl Martland
                                                           ii.      State – Colin Pio
                                                        iii.      Treasurer’s report – John Chamberlin

4.     NHDP Convention – Martha Richards

5.     Haverhill Fair – Sue Ford

6.     Awards – Martha Richards

7.     Comments for the good of the organization
a.      Secretary’s update - Fran Taylor
b.      Old/New Business


The New Hampshire Democratic Party State Convention will be held at Manchester Memorial High School on Saturday June 14, 2014

Registration begins at 8AM.


And now a word for our very important sponsors...YOU!!

February 2014


Bedrock adj. stripped of nonessential matter obscuring or adorning: basic, fundamental, solid, factual.   The great advantage of reality is its hard, bedrock, concrete quality – Lionel Trilling.  (Webster’s Third New International Dictionary)

In 2012, we organized a grass roots effort to counter the anti-government crusade whose aim is to make the wealthiest individuals even more wealthy – at our expense.  We said that it was time to fight back.  And we said it was time to go beyond the grass roots, to go down to bedrock, to our fundamental beliefs about society, about fairness, and about progress.

Back then, we asked for help on behalf of Democratic candidates in Grafton County – and people responded.  We raised more than $10,000 that enabled us to mount an outstanding campaign.  Bedrock funding supported local legislative candidates, it paid for advertising in local newspapers, and it covered the costs of public meetings to discuss health care and key issues.  Among the high profile events with Bedrock support was a public showing of the "Billionaires' Tea Party" at the Colonial Theatre in Bethlehem, a captivating documentary that introduced more than a hundred people to the roles played by the likes of the Koch brothers in convincing so many people to vote against their own self interest.

As you know, our efforts paid off.  Bedrock contributions allowed us to send a heavily Democratic delegation to Concord.  Bedrock contributions enabled our volunteers to spend their time campaigning rather than fund-raising.  Bedrock contributions strengthened our local organizations and our effectiveness in coordinating with state-wide and national campaigns. 

Now we are entering another campaign season, and once again we are asking for your support.  By making a Bedrock contribution, you will strengthen the Grafton County Democrats and you will help our candidates be successful in November.  As shown on the attached form, ten percent of your contribution will go to the Grafton County Democrats.  The remaining 90% can be directed to the local organizations:  the Plymouth Area Democrats, the Upper Valley Democrats, and/or the Northern Grafton County Democrats. 

The Bedrock Democrats, through your generous contributions, have made it possible for our county and regional Democratic officials to focus more on issues, public outreach, finding candidates, and supporting campaigns.   We very much appreciate your support, and we look forward to working with you in the coming campaign.

We thank you for your support!

Martha Richards
Sue Ford
Co-Chairs, Grafton County Democrats


Yes!  I want to be part of the Democratic Bedrock!
Minimum Amount

Amount Enclosed:  ________________
Please make check payable to “Grafton County Democrats”
  Mt. Blue *
(   )
Mt. Liberty
(   )
Franconia Ridge
(   )

Kinsman Ridge
(   )

(   )
I would like to help with the 2014 campaign:
Glacial Erratic
(   )

(    )
*  Mt. Blue, a minor shoulder of Mt. Moosilauke, has an ideal name, and it is also located in an ideal location:  somewhat left of center in Grafton County.

I understand that 10% of all contributions will go to support county-level efforts on behalf of Democratic candidates.  Please allocate the remainder of my contribution as follows:
     Grafton County Democrats 
     Plymouth Area Democrats (office in Plymouth)
     Upper Valley Democrats (office in Lebanon)  
     North Grafton Country Democrats (Office in Littleton)

If you donation exceeds $100, please indicate your occupation and your employer, as required by federal campaign finance laws:   ________________________________


Please make checks payable to
“Grafton County Democrats” and mail to:
Carl D. Martland, Coordinator
Grafton County Bedrock Democrats
16 Post Road
Sugar Hill, NH, 03586

The Bath Area Democrats (BAD) meet the last Tuesday of each month at the Bath Congregational Church at noon for a pot luck/covered dish lunch and discussion.  If you would like to attend, please call me at 747.4001 so I will have an idea of how many people will attend.  In the past we have had Jackie Cilley, Lara Safo, Linda Lauer,  Emily Stone Jacobs and Ray Burton as speakers. 

This month our speaker will be Representative Rebecca Brown. 

 We look forward to seeing you.

And finally...we now have a blog

If you have anything you would like to have posted to it, please send it to me in a file form (MS Word is best but we can try to work with others).

You can sign up to receive notification when something new is posted.

Karen Fesler

Bath, NH

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